Sunday, February 20, 2011

Why I give to Annual Pastoral Appeal

The St. Raphael parishioner who wrote this article prefers to remain anonymous.

I have long understood the importance of giving to the weekly church collection. And I write out a check each week. But it took me longer to "get" the importance of the Annual Pastoral Appeal.

Once I began contributing, though, I began to understand the importance of needing to do this–how many people can lighten the same load. This is something that God put in my heart. This also is something that I must plan for. It doesn't mean that it will be easy. Finding extra money is never easy. Sometimes money is there and sometimes it is not.

Like last year. I came up short on my pledge. There always was too much month at the end of the money. So I turned to prayer. I asked God for the ability to write out a single check–for both this year's contribution and last year's shortage. I also took it a step further–to ask for the means to support our church collection at a higher amount. Then I handed this over to the Lord.

God is so good! This past week I received a very special bonus from a most unexpected source. An extra, very generous check was given to me for a job well done. I immediately thought of the
Annual Pastoral Appeal first. Then I thought of my savings account, which had been all but depleted in the past year.

I could hardly wait for Sunday Mass! I was so proud to write out that single check and drop it in the basket.

Matthew 7:7 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."

Do you have a personal account about your stewardship and the Annual Pastoral Appeal? You may share it anonymously or signed as you wish. Send your article to

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