Thursday, February 9, 2012

Nicole Dambroski: What CRHP means to me

I can't really say enough about what CRHP has meant to me. When I was invited to attend the CRHP weekend, I was a little hesitant because I had no idea what to expect. I didn't know anyone who was attending, and I really didn't know what the weekend was about.

I was new to Florida, and new to the parish, and although I enjoyed coming to Mass at St Raphael's, I wouldn't say that I knew very many people at all. But CRHP completely changed all of that. I got to meet so many amazing women, and make so many new friends, that I can't believe I was ever apprehensive about it at all. Everyone was so welcoming. The weekend was truly an eye-opening experience and it completely changed the way I thought about my faith. 

It meant so much to me that I even went through the process a second time! Whether you're looking to deepen your faith, make some new friends in the parish, or just take a weekend for yourself, you will not be disappointed.

The Lord knows the things that we need, and CRHP is definitely what I needed... it may be just what you need too! It's such a blessing to have this ministry at St Raphael's, and I hope you take the opportunity to be blessed by CRHP in the same way that I was!

-- Nicole Dambroski

INTERESTED?: The St. Raphael Catholic Church Women's CRHP Weekend will be March 10 and 11. If you would like to participate, please send an email to Jocelyn Pedalino at

1 comment:

  1. Blessings to you Nicole in finding St. Raphael and establishing a relationship with a higher power. How do you think we endured those trips from DC to Rochester, NY so many times???

    Peace to you!

    Carlene Wilson
    former co-worker Bearingpoint
